Lake Chabot Redtail Ridge Trail 50k
Mile 23: Heading for another steep mile with the mild sun caressing my shoulders. “This… I fucking love this!…”
Richard Feynman had answered a question for me a few nights back on a quiet evening in Santa Clara. Something that had been plaguing me for the past month. “Why was I doing all this?” Not for the podium, neither for the numbers… none of that crap matters. I started because this was fun and that’s a pretty darn good reason to continue.
I’ll remember this race for many reasons among which the time or speed or positions don’t count in the top 5.
A week before the race I turned back after toeing the start line of a 30k in Sausalito. I had the bib on, everything was set, everything but the heart. I didn’t start and turned around instead. Hiked for a bit near the ocean near Mt Tam and caught some nice views of SF and the golden gate bridge. It was the race that never was. I didn’t have the self-belief and I needed someone to tell me to not idealize this shit. David and I talked soon and things felt better. It had to be just me, the trail and nothing else in the Chabot 50k.
Unived has been supporting me since the beginning of the year and Monica had the wisest words for me… “Ajit, just go out there and be happy”. You’re awesome!!
Run Lola, run, Babyy!
Race day, my Dad was cheering me on at the starting line. It was perfect running weather, I say that for all the weather though. As always, I started too fast but settled in a nice rhythm quickly. The best decision of the day was to not look at the watch and go by the feel. My runner friend, Shantanu, was racing the 30k and eventually smoked it! It’s so awesome to see friends out on the field! Saying shit in Hindi is an added bonus.

Much of the race was spent alone; but somewhere in the middle Mark Tanaka resolutely started chasing me. This badass dude shortened the time between us from around 8 minutes to 54 seconds at the end, inching closer every mile. Luckily though, he never got within an earshot for me to know if anyone was on my tail. Phew.
The highlight of the day was smiling every effing mile (Exhibit A) . Every one of them. Giving a thumbs up to fellow runners, high-5ing, thanking the fantastic volunteers and hugging SuperDad at the end! What a perfect race!

Finished 2nd overall with 4hrs 29 mins on the clock. A PR by 32 mins with a huge side of LOVE!
A big thank you to David Roche for his invaluable guidance. A huge thanks to Unived for trusting me and fueling my training and races. You guys ROCK!
2x Rrunn pre-mix 45 mins before race
8x Rrunn salt and caramel gels
3x Rrunn salt caps (No cramps!)