Purpose and not-necessarily associated ramblings
I think the hard and possibly the first step of bringing about a positive change in life is the acceptance of things as they are. This could be acknowledgement that there are things that are broken and need to be mended or the acceptance that each person you love and care about will die one day, including you. That, I feel, is a great leveler. Once you accept this you tend to look at life differently. It makes you want to do things, big and small, to make life happy for those people and even more. The truth is so so simple. To find beauty in the ordinary, isn’t it the whole point?
What makes me happy?
For most people who ever existed this is something each one of them have probably thought about. What makes me happy? In the 59 stories in the draft folder here, one dated a few months back had scribbled… “being surrounded by people who love me brings me happiness. I want to live close to my family, I want to learn more and have a fulfilling career. Everything else is merely a distraction”.
About Dues
I think it is our foremost duty to ourselves that we recognize our purpose in life, and while running or walking or crawling that path do things to avoid intellectual decadence of our being. It is both the instrument and the motif towards a fulfilling life.
I’ve experienced it and been D. Gray for a period in life, that’s why on the run today in the hills around mile 3 I felt that I was qualified to write about it. I was running after a while owing to some rigmaroles in personal and professional life, and my mind was a chaos under the sun today. But chaos is after all order which hasn’t been deciphered yet. It’s 2AM and I’m attempting to unravel thoughts from today’s runs; we both ran amok on the windy hills of Alum Rock. I somehow feel the end of this paragraph is missing something.

The world is rife with opportunities that take us through roads of succumbing to things and distractions. And without an inner compass a human being can and in most probability will fall for something. Everyone does. But any pop-culture magazine article will assert that it’s not the falling but how we react to it that matters. But what they don’t tell you is how tough it is to truly do so. To figure out life, what went wrong, digging in our own soul, accepting that we are not infallible, looking at ourselves through a third person’s eyes, feeling muddle-headed, drowning in despair occasionally, learning, reading good books, being angry at our own self, getting to finally understand how we got where we are, coming to the conclusions, making decisions, working towards things incessantly, and that this journey is ours and only ours, are all stages towards becoming a better version of ourselves. I believe that each one has to tread it alone so we can be truly happy. And this won’t come by through any instagram post, or a pithy tumblr article or whatever the hell is cool in the world right now. They are acerbic distractions stealing time from what matters. Speaking of these last couple things, getting rid of them would bring a positive offset to our goal achievements. It did to me, and since I’m a vastly average man, I feel if you lie on the fatter portion of the bell-curve it might apply to you too.
I firmly believe that it all starts with acceptance though.
2:28 AM
It’s getting late, my evening Tim Horton’s is wearing off, I haven’t stayed up this late in a while. Next few months are going to be quiet for me. I have my work cut out for a project I must be focusing my energy to. Let’s talk soon.